So you’re a Wing-T guy who has seen all these Air Raid guys whipping the ball around the gridiron.
And you think to yourself, “I want that.”
But you have no idea what magic they use.
You’re a run first guy.
“But how do they do it?”
It’s actually not so complicated.
Just repeat after me:
“When in Doubt, Y-Cross it Out!”
What are we taking from the Wing-T?
The IF/THEN structure.
The presenting the same thing to the defense over and over again.
The always motioning part.
The adaptability.
It’s all here in the Y-Cross.
What does the Y-Cross look like?
Okay, that’s a lot. I know.
Let me explain.
L: He takes a Mandatory Outside Release. Get outside the corner and get vertical.
F: The quarterback puts him in motion to get the defense flowing away from the play. He just runs a swing route as a checkdown.
T: Block.
Y: He runs UNDER the first man in front of him and OVER the first linebacker he crosses.
He will do that every time.
His stem from there changes.
BLUE: vs. 2 high safeties
BLACK: vs. 1 high safety
RED: vs. blitz by the linebackers
That’s why this play is so beautiful.
It changes based on what the defense is doing during the play.
R: He runs a 15 yard dig and he can always settle in grass if there is some. How will he know how to do that? The settle and noose drill.
Q: One step drop. Read left to right.
Should you run Y-Sail as well?
Because now the defense is over pursuing your Y-Cross.
And Y-Cross is a play you want to run forever.
So protect it.
With Y-Sail.
L: He runs a 15 yard dig and he can always settle in grass if there is some. How will he know how to do that? The settle and noose drill.
F: The quarterback puts him in motion to get a head start on the play. He just runs a swing route as a checkdown.
T: Block.
Y: He runs UNDER the first man in front of him (to make it feel like Y-Cross) and then vertical to a speed out at 10 yards.
R: He takes a Mandatory Outside Release. Get outside the corner and get vertical.
Q: One step drop. Read right and stay right. Top down. Look to the dig as a last resort.
To recap: IF they stop Y-Cross by not allowing the Y to get across the field, THEN just call Y-Sail.
And there you go. You have the Wing-T philosophies in your passing game now.
And a little Mike Leach in you as well.
So don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying odd things to the press and walking to work everyday.
Finally, you have the knowledge of the plays, but remember drilling the plays is just as important if not more so.
Click here to get the perfect drill for the Spread Air Raid Wing-T Offense!