Let me tell you a quick story.
I took over as the offensive coordinator at a school that had been running the Wing-T for the past 25 years.
I brought in the Spread Air Raid Offense.
And the quarterback was lost.
At first, he couldn’t understand that Stick is the same whether we are in 2×2 or 3×1 or have two running backs in the game.
It was new and felt like a lot for these run first guys.
So, I adapted.
I took the Wing-T IF/THEN structure and applied it to the Spread Run Game.
This is what I did:
Our Best Run
If you know me, you know I love the inside zone play.
You’ll find that this play is ready for everything.
Stunts? Blitzes?
No problem.
Combine this with a Wing-T IF/THEN play call structure and it’s almost unstoppable.
I’m going to show you exactly how I teach it.
First… Motion
Add this Fast Motion
You can run it with the F in the slot, or in the backfield.
Just add it.
How to Block It
The beauty of the inside zone play is that the offensive lineman are responsible for their zones, not a particular defender.
No matter what the defenders do, they will enter into one of our zones.
This play is going to the left.
Every lineman is responsible for the zone to the left.
Take three steps playside.
Meet someone? Block them.
Don’t meet someone? Move up to the second level.
Okay, I know that was a super simple explanation.
This post is more about the Wing-T IF/THEN structure so I’ve got videos where I go into greater detail below:
Against an Even Front: Click Here
Against an Odd Front: Click Here
Against a 3-3 Stack: Click Here
Okay, let’s move on to the quarterback.
The Quarterback’s Read
Let’s start with the Motion.
The quarterback is going to watch the defense either move or not move.
IF they don’t move…
THEN throw the bubble to the F because you have the numbers with Y and R blocking.
Seriously, go look again at the play.
Forget the run. Throw to F.
Okay what about…
IF the defense bumps out with the F…
THEN play the run and read the C-Gap defender.
Let me show you how:
IF the C-Gap defender does not chase the running back
THEN give it to the running back.
But now look at that picture.
IF the C-Gap defender does chase the running back
THEN the quarterback keeps it and runs right by him.
You’ve heard of Run Pass Options, right?
Well use them here:
Let’s say your Y misses the block.
It happens.
Have no fear because your F is out there for a reason.
IF that linebacker comes racing at your quarterback
THEN he just just flips it to the F.
But Coach, what if they scrape exchange?
Okay, now here’s the big IF/THEN.
This is a scrape exchange:
See the problem?
The quarterback was given the KEEP read, but the Mike “scraped” over the top and now is right there to make a tackle and now we look like fools.
IF they do that
THEN give up.
Absolutely not!
Do not think our IF/THEN structure stops here.
There is an answer even to this tricky little problem.
The answer is one little word.
Let me show you:
Notice the Backside Guard and Tackle.
They are now blocking away from the call.
They are “locked” on the two defenders in front of them.
They basically are pass blocking. Do whatever works best for your players.
And since we are now blocking the C-Gap defender, the quarterback’s read just moves up to the linebacker.
How do you attack him?
An RPO of course.
IF the linebacker stays deep
THEN hand the ball off because the defender is covering the pass.
IF the linebacker scrapes
THEN throw to the Y who is replacing him.
This is why you should love the inside zone play.
It’s so multiple. People love to use that word so I will too.
And remember you still have the F flying out there.
IF the Y gets lost in traffic
THEN your quarterback can just dump it off to the F.
See how great the IF/THEN structure is?
The defense will eventually always be wrong.
And we’ll be scoring points and having fun.